Tag: ink
Art for Palestine
I’ve been working on some art and accessories for the past few months to sell at mutual aid markets for Palestine Have also been playing around with handmade accessories using…
Remaking a Lenormand deck, part 1
A few months ago, i got a Lenormand deck for retail therapy’s sake, and to be honest too impulsively. The deck had these cute birds on the box, so I…
Guided Comics-making
Late last year, i started working through Lynda Barry’s “Making Comics”, and intending to pick it back up soon has me wanting to share some of my past work here…
‘Your mini-guide to Break ups’ zine
Letter-size mini-zine on some of my own lessons brought by break ups 😀 . Has poster on the inside when unfolded. Digital version for sale at my shop!
Healing + Dance
Originally submitted to a local gallery’s publication, this autobiographical comic illustrates some thoughts/feelings around body + mind connection and movement facilitating healing, in the face of trauma India ink, 2021
Active Bringing Together
This was a piece made with gouache on mixed media paper, and thread It is a commentary on how racial capitalism thrives on separating us from our selves, each other,…